Online Marketing Tips


1. Writing an Effective Press Release

It is often thought that writing a press release is the least effective way to market your brand. However, press releases remain one of the most popular marketing methods. Both marketing and social media experts rely on press releases to reach the intended audience. Add press releases to your website’s news section, link to these releases from your other social media handles, and then, go ahead and pass them onto reporters. When writing a press release, make sure you have a riveting headline and a strong opening paragraph to interest your readers.

2. Leverage the Power of Video for Marketing

When Facebook Live video first came out to the public, millions of viewers were tuning in at the same time to see what the world was up to. Instagram also introduced minute-long videos, where brands and businesses can engage with their followers. You can use the power of video on Instagram to come up with a 15 second video telling your followers your brand or business story or launch a product or campaign. Making videos is undoubtedly one of the best ways to engage and win over your followers. The best part of creating videos is that no one expects them to be perfect. Be sure to add your website link in the description section of your post.

3. Content Marketing

Content marketing serves as an excellent way to share stories with your audience. You can effectively advertise your product or service to potential customers by providing them with interesting, helpful stories and content. Essentially, content marketing is a long-term strategy that is focused on the target audience and aims to deliver content that is rich and meaningful to their lives on a consistent basis. You can create valuable content in the form of videos, blogs, infographics and much more!

Publishing original content is an effective way to engage with your target audience and boost your online publicity. But to be successful, you must create content your target audience is interested in. You should also make sure to engage your followers in a meaningful way. When you decide to market products or services, you will have already established a loyal following who will be more likely to purchase your products or services because of this.

4. Include a Strong Call to Action (CTA)

Did you know that over 71 percent of businesses have jumped on the Instagram bandwagon? More and more businesses are realizing the importance of advertising on Instagram. How can you ensure your business or brand will stand out from the 25 million businesses on Instagram? The answer lies in a strong Call to Action (CTA).

You may have perfect content, photos, and hashtags, but these are not helpful if you are missing the CTA. It is important to use a CTA because if you do not ask, you do not get. A CTA is the equivalent of asking for the sale at the end of your pitch. Using a strong Call to Action will direct people to your page, which helps most brands or businesses build publicity. A strong and persuasive CTA can be as straightforward as sharing a link with your target audience that offers to teach them more about your products or services.  The goal of the CTA is to instruct followers to take action and explore your brand or business website offerings. Your target audience will then be able to decide if what you are marketing appeals to them. And if it does, this can translate into sales and profits.

Bottom Line

The above-mentioned strategies are tried and true methods at creating social engagement and brand presence. Use these tips to effectively generate publicity and boost traffic on your business page. With some hard work and application, you will be well on your way to establishing and maintaining an online presence that resonates with your followers. 

Learn about effective advertising and marketing according to Focus Five Group.

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