How to Perfect Instagram Influencer Marketing


When it comes to marketing, its landscapes keep changing. The wants and needs of the customer have become paramount and of large concern when it comes to the creation of new products and services. Brands are now realizing they cannot rely on the customers of yesterday. Brands must stay up-to-date with the trends in order to stay relevant and must factor in the needs of their customers. Brands that remain out of touch with the everchanging fads and the needs of their customer base will only be inviting disaster upon themselves. The importance of understanding and being tuned in to the wants and needs of the customer cannot be overstated.

If you’re looking for an effective way to sell your product, look no further than Instagram Influencer Marketing, as it is the newest form of marketing right now. Often, when consumers seek to buy certain products or use different services, they will ask a friend if the product or service is worth it, and then, based on the word of their friend, consumers will then decide whether to purchase a product or use a service or not.

Sometimes, however, a friend may not have the information consumers require. That is when consumers will go online to read written reviews or even watch YouTube video reviews. Consumers perceive the influencers who give these reviews as regular people just like them. A prominent influencer’s backing of a brand or business will motivate consumers to purchase the offered products or services that much more quickly, rather than a paid advertisement and endorsement of a well-known celebrity.

Sometimes, however, a friend may not have the information consumers require. That is when consumers will go online to read written reviews or even watch YouTube video reviews. Consumers perceive the influencers who give these reviews as regular people just like them. A prominent influencer’s backing of a brand or business will motivate consumers to purchase the offered products or services that much more quickly, rather than a paid advertisement and endorsement of a well-known celebrity.

Instagram Influencer Marketing is effective because the information comes from a reliable source, someone whom the consumer views as a virtual friend. Instagram influencers build a friend-like bond with their followers thereby fostering trust and warm feelings. When an Instagram influencer recommends a product their followers will certainly enjoy, followers treat the advice as though it is coming from one of their friends. 

Instagram Influencer Marketing Tools

Free Instagram Tools

Did you know that more than 400 million people check Instagram daily? A percentage of these users can be potential clients. Before you enlist the help of a well-known social media influencer, you must make sure your page is set up for business. The initial step to perfect your Instagram marketing game is to start using the free tools that Instagram offers you such as photo or ad editors. Turning your private profile to a business profile will allow you to gain more followers you can engage with. 

Cross-Promotion of Your Instagram Page

Cross-promotion is an easy way to gain more followers. Cross-promotion allows you to post your Instagram page on your other social media handles. You can generate more interest in your Instagram posts by using other social media platforms as a way of advertising. Cross-promotion will alert your followers from your other social media handles that you have an Instagram profile, and as a result, they will most likely follow you on Instagram, as well. 

Frequency of the Posts

Many Instagram business profile holders make the mistake of overwhelming their followers by posting frequently. Finding the balance is key. You need to make sure that you post enough to stay relevant but not so much that you are overwhelming your followers’ feeds. 

Many Instagram business page holders spam their followers’ feed to such a large extent that followers get annoyed and unfollow the page. Instagram also penalizes users who post too much by restricting the amount of people who will actually see the post. 

Communication is the Key 

Most Instagram business holders do not understand the value of communication. When influencers fail to engage with their followers, they will likely see their follower count begin to drop. By simply replying to a follower’s comment on a post, influencers can create effective engagement with their online audience, and these connections can create loyal customers.

When replying to your followers, a personalized response is in order. Be sure your replies contain less than 300 characters, don’t contain more than one link or four hashtags. 

Another effective way to create engagement is by holding contests or asking your followers to tag someone who would enjoy your post.  Word travels and these methods will help  your profile reach a larger audience. 

Interactive Hashtags 

Did you know that an Instagram post that contains just one hashtag receives 12.6 percent more engagement than a post with no hashtags? A large part of Instagram marketing is the use of hashtags. Hashtags are powerful enough to help your content reach its targeted audience. This can draw followers to your brand, increase overall engagement on your page, and help set your brand apart from its competition.

It is important to come up with an original but interactive hashtag to engage your followers. If you are a brand that sells a product, create a hashtag that your consumers relate with and enjoy. They will then use your hashtag when they post about your product on their social media, effectively advertising your product to their own followers.

Repurposing the Content

Many Instagram business holders face a common problem: they run low on content. There is a simple solution for this. Try repurposing other social media influencer’s posts, but always remember to give credit to the original source.

You can do this by promoting a blog post on Instagram, using quotes from success stories, turning interviews into customer testimonials and so on. Repurposing is  a great idea when your content is low, but be careful not to repurpose so often that you do not have any original content left on your page.


Applying the tips shared in this article to your Instagram business page or turning to Instagram influencer marketing can boost online engagement as well as sales and profits. Essentially, Influencer Marketing is the newest way to market your product. For this marketing technique, an Instagram account may not be necessary but you should have some online presence. Hiring a well-known influencer to market your product will boost sales as Instagram influencers already have a large following, from which your business or brand can benefit. Contact Unique Secrets Advertising, a platform run by successful social media influencers to effectively market your product. Unique Secrets Advertising is committed to staying on top of the trends and catering to the needs and wants of your brand’s intended audience.

Learn about effective advertising and marketing according to Focus Five Group.

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